Friday, July 16, 2021

BOINC: Team: Project Blue Book

 Regarding the BOINC Team:  Project Blue Book

We're a "fun" group with international membership.

 We got started in September 1999 with the Classic SETI@Home Project. 

Everyone is Welcome!  

Gamer's Creed:  "All your Base are Belong to Us!"


Let's DO Science Together!


Join our Team on any of the BOINC Projects

Project:  PrimeGrid:

Project Blue Book (

Project:  Rosetta@Home:

Project Blue Book ( 

 Project:  SETI@Home:

 Project Blue Book (

Project:   World Community Grid:Project on the List that

World Community Grid

or Select any Project That Appears on the University of California/Berkeley's List:

BOINC Project List

Then:  we can track our progress together (optional) on

Project Blue Book (on WUProp@Home)

Be sure to allow this setting on your account page: "Should WUProp@Home show app hours statistics on your account data page and export statistics?"

 You can also (on your Account page) WUProp@Home ( WUProp@Home ). you can set notifications for messages posted there.

Community preferences

How should we notify you of new private messages, friend requests, posts in subscribed threads, and other events?
- On my Account page (no email)
- Immediately, by email
-  In a single daily email

Feel free to "Friend" me on WUProp@Home (on your account page) and join the team!

Feel Free to Comment Here! (Requires a Google Login.)

Check "Notify me" when you post comments. :)

// Brian

PS,  I welcome suggestions for Updates! :)


  1. Hey! It's blogspot! I've got one of these.
    Comments are on a specific article. We could either dedicate this article to Project Blue Book (PBB) chatter, or routinely have new PBB articles. Despite tons of articles, i don't have any on PBB or BOINC on my blogspot blog. I've had plenty to say. Real soon.

    If you check the "Notify me" check box on your comment, you'll get email when someone else comments on that article. That's sort of a "check it out" suggestion, so to speak.

    1. Check "Notify me" when you post comments .. Got it!

    2. I Made some updates on this page! :)

      I have a blog entry for using a Raspberry Pi for BOINC Projects .. I'll post that on my Raspberry Pi User Account Profile...

    3. Ooof! doesn’t have an app for updating posts. Google is pretty sucky!

    4. Ooof! doesn’t have an app for updating posts. Google is pretty sucky!

    5. .. sucky for Apple/iOS/iPhone/iPad

    6. On iOS, it says not supported by Safari .. but doesn't work with Chrome either.
      Does anyone still use

    7. =>

      To edit a post, go to your root
      There should be a command bar with:
      your@email New Post Design Sign Out
      in the upper right. Click 'Design'. On the left side, click 'Posts'. Revert the article you want to edit (first of five icons on the post - you have to mouse over the post to see the hidden icons (ugh). Edit, then republish.
      I don't recall it being this convoluted in the past. The pointlessly hidden icons user interface is newer than blogspot. On the bright side, it means that they've worked on modernizing the user interface. On the down side, they've adopted the stupidest user interface fad in the history of user interfaces. We used to have discoverable user interfaces, now we have undiscoverable user interfaces.

    8. MLC has largely stopped giving me units on the Pi 3. The error:
      Machine Learning Dataset Generator needs 762.94 MB RAM but only 671.21 MB is available for use.
      I reduced the GPU RAM from 256 to 128, and rebooted. Still no units, but also the above error is gone.
      For now, i've started Einstein@home.

    9. Great reason for having multiple projects available! LOL

    10. In fact, i tried Universe and Asteroids before Einstein. I left all three turned on for one of the pi 3s, and eventually got some units for Universe and Asteroids too. All three of these are great candidates for using pi 2/3 machines towards various goals.

  2. In fact, i was thinking of posting a "how to get started" article something like this. I was going to link to BOINC's getting started article(s):

    I wasn't going to mention SETI@Home since that project is currently on hold.

    Maybe these projects:
    WUProp@Home (needs a writeup - i've written one for Facebook)

  3. I wish "select any project" was good advice. For a long time, the list in the BOINC app for the droid listed projects that don't, in fact, work on the droid. Perhaps we should list projects for x86, x86 with lots of RAM, Droid, 32 bit Arm Pi, 64 bit OS Arm Pi, GPU. Then we'd want to have articles on how to run some of these beasts, especially GPU apps, including on-CPU-chip GPUs, and for various OSs.
